Steps for Success

News & Events 30/01/2024

In 2023, our school was working on reviewing our behaviour processes in line with up to date research and evidence, and Department for Education policies.

We want to make sure our processes align to our values, are consistent, fair and reasonable, easy to understand, and focused on learning and positive relationships. If things aren’t going well, we want to be clear about how students can have an opportunity to make things right.

This week we have been talking to students about our new processes, called Steps for Success. These processes have a restorative practices approach and embed “positive behaviours for learning” strategies to support all students to thrive in the school environment.

As part of these new processes, we will be working with students, teachers and caregivers to understand some of the key concepts, including regulation and restorative practices/conversations, through our home group program, staff professional learning and parent/caregiver resources and information evenings.

One important change to be aware of is the change to Extended School Days (ESDs). These will now be called After School Catch Ups (ASCUs) and are a reasonable response that teachers may implement to support students to make up for learning they have missed or to help make things right, as part of a restorative agreement. These will run from 3.45pm to 4.30pm Monday, Wednesday or Thursday. Teachers will contact caregivers if a young person has been assigned an ASCU.


















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