Year 7

Welcome to Year 7 at Brighton Secondary School

We would like to warmly welcome all of our 2025 Year 7 families to the Brighton Secondary School community.

"The transition to secondary school is a major milestone. It brings changes and new experiences in education, personal development and planning for future pathways. We look forward to working with all new families and provide a welcoming and informative transition period for all students."

– Casey Freeman – Head of Middle School

"As Year 7 Year Level Leader, I always look forward to getting to know each and every one of our students as they start their high school journey at Brighton Secondary School.  I know what a positive contribution Year 7s bring to our school community.

We have a great team of teachers and leaders working towards the smooth transition of year 7s to high school and we offer an engaging and inclusive academic and wellbeing program at Brighton Secondary School.

Please stay up to date with the information on this website and regular email communications from Brighton Secondary School. Please don’t hesitate to make contact with me at any time on 8375 8200 or"

– Carly Brooks - Year 7 Level Leader


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