Senior School Term 4 Update

News & Events 16/10/2024

It has been pleasing to welcome our Senior School students back to school for Term 4. For our Year 12 students, their time of formal lessons will conclude at the end of Week 2.  For some they will then commence exams, after this for others the completion of assignments will end their schooling journey.

Welcome Assemblies

To commence the term a Year 10 and 11 Welcome Assembly was held, during which reminders regarding the following were shared:

  • Yard and Break Times Expectations –So that our young people better understand expectations for these times we have shared this information and visuals have been put up in all learning spaces.
  • Uniform Reminders – Young people were reminded that sandals should be brown leather school (not fashion) sandals with acceptable support and sturdy strap buckled around the ankle. Birkenstock style sandals and ugg boots are not part of our school uniform.  Note: sandals are NOT to be worn for certain subjects
  • Staying on Site – All young people were reminded of the need to stay on school grounds during the school day – this includes break times.


Year 10 – Key Dates – Term 4

Week 7 – 29 November – Last Day of Year 10 Lessons

The Year 10s will be completing a full day of school (3:30pm). Year 10 students are expected to attend lessons as per normal until this final day. Students are reminded to clean out their lockers and remove everything at the end of the day, return loan laptops, and return borrowed library books.

For our Year 10 students Term 4 sees them ensure that they have successfully completed all the requirements of the EIF subject. Their first compulsory SACE subject.

Young people who are engaging in VET in 2025 will be completing this application process and working closely with their Registered Training Provider.


Year 11 – Key Dates – Term 4

Week 6 – 20 November – Last Day Year 11 Lessons

21 November – 27 November Year 11 Exams

Week 7 – 28/29 November – Year 11 into Year 12 Introductory Lessons

For our Year 11 students Term 4 sees them ensure that they have successfully completed all the requirements of their SACE subjects as they prepare for Year 12.

Research Project

Support with Stage 2 Research Project, a compulsory subject in the SACE, is available afterschool on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30pm in the Senior Study Centre.

Compulsory Subjects

For Year 11 students English, Math and the Research Project are the compulsory subjects which students must achieve a C – or higher grade.  For all subjects, our young people need to be completing the summative tasks and ensuring that they are meeting the performance standards for their subjects. This will ensure that they achieve the maximum number of SACE credits and are best placed to select Year 12 subjects for 2025.

Year 11 into Year 12 Introductory Lessons

Please note that we have scheduled introductory Year 12 workshops after the Year 11 exam period.  We encourage you to be mindful of these dates and arrangements when planning holidays etc. These sessions are designed to provide young people with a deep understanding of course content and assessment requirements. Prior reading and work for some subjects will be provided. As a school we believe this will position our young people well to start their studies in 2025 successfully.

We look forward to working in partnership with you to support your young person during Term 4.


Year 12 – Key Dates – Term 4

Week 1 – 16 October – Year 12 assembly

Week 2 – 24 October – Last formal day Year 12 Lessons.

Week 4/5 – 4 November – 15 November – Year 12 Exams

Week 7 – 26 November – Valedictory

Term 4 for our year 12 students is filled with completing subject requirements but also with planning for life after school.


Week 2

A Celebratory breakfast for our Class of 2024 will be provided by the school from 8:00am – 10:30am on the front oval of the school.

Further information regarding the Last Week of School Activities will be provided shortly.


End of Year Exams

Whilst Year 12 exams at BSS begin in Week 1 of Term 4, the majority of written exams will be held from the 4 – 15 November.

Access the 2024 SACE BSS SACE Stage 2 Exam timetable. 

Please note that this does not include oral exams for languages.

Language students have received an individual email indicating the date and time of their oral exam.

All exams will be held on site at Brighton Secondary School and generally in the Senior Study Centre.

Further information regarding SACE exams are available on the SACE website:

Exams – South Australian Certificate of Education

Learn how to prepare for exams, read up on the rules, and access the timetable.

 SACE End of Year Results

The SACE Board has advised that end of year results will be available for students on Monday 16 December 2024 from 8:30am.

The results will be available on the SACE website –

On result day there will be a prominent banner on the SACE Board website with a link that directs students to check their results in the Students Online System.

Students are advised to check their accounts beforehand and ensure that they are using a personal email address and not their school email address.  This email address will become inactive after students leave school.

The default PIN number is the first 4 digits of their date of birth in date and month format (DDMM). For example, a student born on the 1 July = 0107.

If students experience any difficulties on results day, they will be able to contact the SACE on 1300 322 920.


Valedictory – Event Details

  • Date: Tuesday 26 November 2024
  • Time: 7:00pm (Doors open at 6.30pm)
  • Venue: Adelaide Town Hall, 128 King William Street Adelaide

All families received detailed correspondence in Term 3 which included information regarding ticketing.

Please contact the Senior School if you have any questions regarding this information: .

As the end of the year approaches and some decisions are needed to be made about future plans, I remind you that the senior school team is here to support you and your young person. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any members of the team for assistance in navigating these challenging times.

We look forward to working in partnership with you to support your young person during Term 4.

Janine McSporran

Head of Senior School

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