Middle School Update, Term 3 Week 6, 2024

News & Events 29/08/2024

It has been a pleasure to see a large number of Middle School students engage with the multitude of extra-curricular offerings throughout the beginning weeks of Term 3.

These have included the various Knockout and Zone sports, the SALA Exhibition, Write a Book in a Day, Mathematics Quiz Night, Volleyball State Schools Cup and the preparation for the upcoming Music Spectacular. We have a number of highly talented young people at BSS and it has been great to see them demonstrating their skills and talents beyond the classroom.


Middle School Staffing Update

Due to backfilling of other leadership roles within the school, the following staff will move into middle school leadership positions for the remainder of the term.

Carly Brooks will return to the role of Head of Middle School and Alice Carter will resume as Year 7 Leader.

The contact emails for the Middle School Team are below:

Head of Middle School – Carly Brooks

Year 7 Leader – Alice Carter

Year 8 Leader – Lucy Burg

Year 9 Leader – Sam Scudds

Wellbeing Leader – Lucinda Yates


Subject Selections

All students in the Middle School have been working through their subject selections for 2025. This has involved careers activities and subject research in home group, as well as discussions with their teachers about the possible options available to them.

We encourage all parents and caregivers to discuss subject selections with their child before finalising their submissions through the Web Preferences portal.

We ask that subject selections be made by Friday 30 August so that planning for 2025 can begin.

If you or your child has questions about this process or the Web Preferences portal, please contact your child’s home group teacher.


Tarni Warra Homework Club

A reminder that students are able to access the downstairs space in Tarni Warra from 9am on Wednesday mornings. Students are supervised during this time to complete school work until 10am when they are asked to prepare for their first lesson.


Kind regards

Casey Freeman

Head of Middle School

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