Middle School Term 4 Update

News & Events 16/10/2024

It’s been wonderful to welcome our Middle School students back to school after a well-deserved break.  Although Term 4 is the shortest term of the year, it is certainly still very busy!

Our Year 9 students will be entering their final term of Middle School and many staff in the Middle School team have reflected on the growth and successes over the past three years of our first group to start at Brighton Secondary School as Year 7s in 2022.  I particularly wish our Year 9s a productive and enjoyable Term 4.

Welcome Assemblies

During Home Group time in Week 1, Year Level Leaders lead Welcome Back Assemblies for students in Year 7 – 9. As well as an opportunity to see performances from our wonderful Middle School music students, the assembly provides timely reminders of some important school expectations. Some of the messages shared with students included:

  • Yard and Break Times Expectations – So that our young people better understand expectations for these times we have shared this information and visuals have been put up in all learning spaces. A particular focus on safe play on the oval was made for Middle School students.
  • Uniform Reminders – Young people were reminded that sandals should be brown leather school (not fashion) sandals with acceptable support and sturdy strap buckled around the ankle. Birkenstock style sandals and ugg boots are not part of our school uniform.  Note: sandals are NOT to be worn for certain subjects
  • Staying on Site – All young people were reminded of the need to stay on school grounds during the school day – this includes break times.


Year 7 to 9 students will continue to transition towards the Senior School and our Middle School is structured in such a way as to support our young people during their time with us.

As our Year 7 students move into Year 8 they will maintain their core classes with their Home Groups but will engage with a wider range of teachers and specialist learning spaces during these core lessons, as well as have the opportunity to explore the elective subjects chosen last term.

Our Year 8 students will continue to develop relationships with a wider range of staff and students and further develop their organisation and independence as they move into Year 9 where core classes are no longer based on Home Groups.

Our Year 9 Students will transition into the Senior School as Year 10 students, ready to engage with new teachers and the leadership team and begin their Senior School journey with increased focus on their career and job pathways.

Middle School Events

Week 1 – Welcome Assemblies

Week 2 – House Assemblies

Week 5 – Tuesday 12 – Aboriginal Families Evening

Week 6 – Tuesday 19 – ASPIRE Assembly

Thursday 28 November – Year 9 Drama Performance

Wednesday December 4 – Year 9 Think Bright Exhibition

Week 9 – Music Tour, Australian Schools Volleyball Competition, Year 7 Beach Days at Somerton Park

Best wishes to all Middle School students and their families for a wonderful term!

Carly Brooks

Head of Middle School

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